How To Fix Event ID 10005 Error in Windows 10 And 11

In the intricate ecosystem of Windows 10 and Windows 11, Event ID 10005 stands out as a critical error that users and administrators frequently encounter. This error, often found in the Event Viewer under the System logs, can be both perplexing and disruptive, leading to system instability and performance issues.

Understanding the causes behind Event ID 10005 and implementing effective solutions is essential for maintaining a smooth and efficient operating environment. This article delves into the nature of Event ID 10005, explores its common causes, and outlines practical methods to resolve the error in Windows 10/11.

Event ID 10005


Understanding Event ID 10005

Event ID 10005 is associated with the DistributedCOM (DCOM) system in Windows. DCOM is a protocol that allows software components to communicate over a network, crucial for numerous system and application functions.

When something goes wrong with DCOM configurations or permissions, Event ID 10005 is logged, indicating a problem that could affect various applications or services.

Causes of Event ID 10005 Error

The error can stem from a range of issues, including:

  1. Incorrect DCOM Configurations: Misconfigured DCOM settings can lead to permissions errors and system conflicts.
  2. Faulty Applications: Certain applications may try to access DCOM components without the proper permissions or in an incompatible manner.
  3. System File Corruption: Damaged system files can affect the normal operation of DCOM, triggering the error.
  4. Registry Issues: Corrupt or incorrect registry entries related to DCOM settings can cause Event ID 10005.
  5. Malware Infections: Malware can modify system settings, including DCOM configurations, leading to potential errors.

Methods to Fix Event ID 10005 Error in Windows 10/11

Method 1: Correct DCOM Configurations

  1. Open Component Services: Press Windows Key + R, type dcomcnfg, and press Enter to open the Component Services window.
  2. Navigate to DCOM Config: Go to Component Services > Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config.
  3. Set Correct Permissions: Right-click on the problematic service (as indicated in the Event Viewer) and select Properties. Go to the Security tab and ensure the correct permissions are set for Launch and Activation Permissions.

Method 2: Repair Faulty Applications

  1. Identify the Application: Review the Event Viewer details for Event ID 10005 to identify which application is causing the error.
  2. Reinstall or Update the Application: Uninstall the problematic application from the Control Panel or Settings app, then reinstall the latest version or apply available updates.

Method 3: System File Checker (SFC) and DISM

  1. Run SFC Scan: Open Command Prompt as Administrator and enter sfc /scannow to scan for and repair corrupted system files.
  2. Use DISM Tool: After the SFC scan, run the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool by typing DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth in the Command Prompt.

Method 4: Clean the Registry

  1. Backup the Registry: Before making any changes, back up the registry for safety.
  2. Use Registry Cleaner: Utilize a reputable registry cleaner tool or manually remove corrupt entries related to DCOM configurations, being cautious to only alter entries you’re confident are related to the issue.

Method 5: Scan for Malware

  1. Use Antivirus Software: Perform a full system scan using Windows Security or your preferred antivirus program to identify and remove any malware infections.

Method 6: Check System Logs and Services

  1. Review Event Viewer: Further investigate the Event Viewer for any related errors that might provide additional clues.
  2. Services: Ensure that all necessary services for the affected application or component are running correctly.

Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques

Investigate Related System and Application Services:

Beyond the immediate DCOM configurations, closely examine related system and application services that might be impacted. Use the Services app to check the status of these services, looking for any that are stopped unexpectedly or configured incorrectly.

Review Detailed DCOM Settings:

For more complex scenarios, diving deeper into the DCOM settings might be necessary. This can include adjusting authentication levels or enabling DCOM logging for more detailed error information, which can provide insights into specific components causing the error.

Network and Firewall Configurations:

Since DCOM components often rely on network communication, ensure your firewall or network settings aren’t blocking these connections. Review firewall logs and settings to ensure necessary DCOM communications are allowed.

Preventive Measures and System Health

Regular System Updates:

Keep your operating system and all installed software up to date. Many Event ID 10005 errors can be mitigated by applying the latest patches and updates, which often include fixes for known bugs and vulnerabilities.

Educate Users on Safe Practices:

In environments with multiple users, educate them on the importance of safe computing practices. This includes not downloading software from untrusted sources and not disabling security features, as these actions can inadvertently affect system configurations and security.

Use Reliable Security Software:

Equip your system with reliable security software that offers real-time protection against malware and exploits that could alter DCOM configurations or system files, leading to errors like Event ID 10005.

Leveraging Professional Tools and Resources

Utilize Microsoft’s Official Tools:

Microsoft offers various tools and resources, such as the Microsoft Safety Scanner or Windows File Recovery, that can help in diagnosing and resolving system issues. Additionally, the Microsoft community forums and support channels can provide valuable insights and solutions.

Consider System Restore Points:

If you’ve created system restore points, consider reverting to a previous state before the error began occurring. This can undo recent changes that may have triggered the Event ID 10005 error while preserving user data.

Professional Diagnostic Software:

For persistent issues, professional diagnostic software can analyze system logs, memory dumps, and performance metrics to pinpoint underlying causes. While some of these tools require technical expertise, they can offer comprehensive insights into complex system errors.


Event ID 10005 is a signal that there are underlying issues with DCOM configurations or system integrity in Windows 10/11. By methodically applying the solutions provided, users can address the root causes of the error, restoring stability and functionality to their systems.

Regular maintenance, such as keeping applications up to date, scanning for malware, and ensuring system files are intact, can prevent many common issues, including Event ID 10005, ensuring a smoother Windows experience.

FAQ on Event ID 10005 in Windows 10/11

Q1: What exactly is Event ID 10005?

A1: Event ID 10005 is an error logged in the Event Viewer when there’s an issue with the DistributedCOM (DCOM) service in Windows, indicating that a DCOM component couldn’t be launched due to permission, configuration, or system-related problems.

Q2: Can Event ID 10005 affect my computer’s performance?

A2: Yes, it can. Although it primarily signals a problem with launching a DCOM component, this issue can lead to system instability, application errors, or prevent certain services from starting, impacting overall performance.

Q3: How do I access the Event Viewer to see Event ID 10005?

A3: Press Windows Key + R, type eventvwr.msc, and press Enter. In the Event Viewer, navigate to Windows Logs > System to find Event ID 10005 among the listed events.

Q4: Is it safe to ignore Event ID 10005 if my computer seems to be working fine?

A4: Ignoring Event ID 10005 is not recommended. Even if your computer appears to be working normally, the error indicates an underlying issue that could lead to more serious problems or vulnerabilities in the future.

Q5: Will running a System File Checker (SFC) scan always fix Event ID 10005?

A5: Not always. While an SFC scan can repair corrupted system files that might be causing the error, Event ID 10005 can also result from incorrect configurations or permissions that an SFC scan cannot fix.

Q6: Can malware cause Event ID 10005 errors?

A6: Yes, malware can sometimes modify system settings or corrupt files related to the DCOM service, leading to Event ID 10005 errors. Running a full antivirus scan is a good step in troubleshooting this error.

Q7: How can I prevent Event ID 10005 errors from happening?

A7: Regularly update Windows and your drivers, maintain robust security software, and practice safe browsing and software installation habits. Also, periodically check your DCOM configurations and permissions for correctness.

Q8: Do I need to be an IT expert to fix Event ID 10005?

A8: Not necessarily. Many of the methods to fix Event ID 10005, such as running SFC scans or updating drivers, can be performed by users with basic computer knowledge. However, more complex solutions might require a deeper understanding of Windows systems.

Q9: What should I do if none of the suggested fixes resolve Event ID 10005?

A9: If the issue persists after trying the suggested fixes, consider seeking help from Microsoft support or a professional IT service. Sometimes, complex issues may need advanced troubleshooting that professionals can provide.

Q10: Can updating Windows resolve Event ID 10005?

A10: Yes, updating Windows can sometimes resolve Event ID 10005, especially if the error is due to a known bug or compatibility issue that Microsoft has addressed in an update.

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