How To Fix News and Interests Taking UP Memory Issue

Windows 10 and Windows 11 have introduced several features aimed at enhancing user experience and productivity. One such feature is “News and Interests,” a taskbar widget that provides quick access to weather updates, headlines, and other personalized content.

However, some users have reported that this feature is taking up more memory than expected, leading to concerns about system performance.

This article explores the implications of News and Interests’ memory usage, identifies potential causes, and outlines effective solutions to manage and resolve any related issues.


News and Interests Taking UP Memory

Understanding the Impact of News and Interests on Memory

“News and Interests” is designed to deliver personalized content directly to your desktop, saving you the time and effort of manually searching for news and updates. While it offers convenience, its operation in the background can consume system resources, including memory.

In cases where memory usage becomes significant, it may impact the overall performance of your system, especially on devices with limited RAM.

Causes of High Memory Usage by News and Interests

Several factors can contribute to the News and Interests feature consuming more memory than expected:

1. Frequent Content Updates

The widget updates content regularly to provide the latest news and information, which can increase memory usage, especially if multiple sources are being accessed.

2. Extensive Personalization Settings

Customizing the feature to track numerous interests and topics can lead to increased data retrieval and processing, thereby raising memory consumption.

3. Background Processes

News and Interests operate alongside various background processes to fetch and display content, which cumulatively can account for noticeable memory usage.

4. Software Bugs

Like any software, News and Interests may have bugs or inefficiencies that result in unintended memory usage.

Methods to Fix News and Interests Taking Up Memory Error

If you find that News and Interests is consuming more memory than desired, there are several steps you can take to mitigate the issue:

1. Disable the Feature

If you don’t frequently use News and Interests, consider disabling it to save memory:

  • Right-click on the taskbar.
  • Hover over “News and interests.”
  • Click on “Turn off.”

2. Limit Content Updates

Reducing the frequency of content updates can decrease memory usage:

  • Right-click on the News and Interests widget.
  • Access its settings and adjust the update frequency to a less frequent interval.

3. Simplify Personalization

Limiting the number of topics and sources tracked can reduce the amount of data processed and, consequently, memory usage:

  • Open the News and Interests settings.
  • Simplify your interests and deselect less important topics.

4. Update Windows

Ensure your system is up to date. Microsoft frequently releases updates that can improve system performance and fix known issues, including any related to News and Interests:

  • Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.
  • Click “Check for updates” and install any available updates.

5. Troubleshoot Memory Performance

If high memory usage persists, use Windows built-in memory diagnostic tools to check for system-wide issues:

  • Press Win + R, type mdsched.exe, and hit Enter to run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool.

6. Increase System Memory

For systems consistently running low on memory, consider upgrading your RAM. This will generally improve performance across all applications, not just News and Interests.

Advanced Personalization and System Monitoring

Utilize Advanced Configuration Tools

Power users can explore advanced system configuration tools like the Group Policy Editor (Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise versions) or the Registry Editor to fine-tune the behavior of News and Interests and other system features.

For instance, modifying specific registry keys can limit the widget’s data fetching activities, reducing its memory footprint. Caution is advised when using these tools, as improper modifications can lead to system instability.

Monitor System Resources

Regular monitoring of system resources via the Task Manager or Resource Monitor can provide insights into memory usage patterns and help identify not just the impact of News and Interests but also other applications and processes that contribute to resource consumption.

This ongoing vigilance allows for timely adjustments to system settings or application configurations.

Alternative News Aggregation Tools

For users who find that the memory usage of News and Interests is consistently problematic, considering alternative news aggregation tools might be a viable option. Numerous third-party applications offer similar functionality with potentially lower resource requirements.

Options include desktop apps, browser extensions, or even setting up personalized news feeds through RSS in email clients or dedicated RSS readers, providing flexibility in how you receive news updates with potentially less impact on your system’s memory.

Engaging with the Windows Community

The Windows user community is a valuable resource for troubleshooting and optimization tips. Forums and discussion groups often feature posts from users who have encountered and resolved similar issues, including memory management challenges related to News and Interests.

Engaging with these communities can provide practical advice, innovative solutions, and moral support from fellow users.

Future Updates and Feedback

Microsoft is continually developing and refining Windows, with user feedback playing a crucial role in shaping updates and fixes.

If News and Interests or any other feature is causing performance issues, providing feedback through the Windows Feedback Hub can alert developers to these challenges, potentially leading to improvements in future updates.

Staying updated with the latest Windows versions not only ensures access to new features but also includes performance optimizations and bug fixes that can resolve memory usage and other issues.


While the News and Interests feature in Windows 10/11 offers a convenient way to stay informed, its impact on system memory can be a concern for some users.

By understanding the potential causes of high memory usage and implementing the suggested fixes, you can enjoy personalized content without compromising system performance.

Regularly monitoring system updates and managing feature settings will ensure a balanced and optimized Windows experience.

FAQ: Managing News and Interests Memory Usage on Windows 10/11

Q1: What is News and Interests in Windows 10/11?

A: News and Interests is a taskbar widget in Windows 10 and Windows 11 that displays personalized content such as news, weather, stocks, and sports updates, aiming to keep users informed at a glance without leaving their desktops.

Q2: Why does News and Interests use memory?

A: News and Interests uses memory to fetch, process, and display the latest personalized content. This includes running background processes to update information and render dynamic content on the widget.

Q3: Can News and Interests significantly impact system performance?

A: While News and Interests generally has a minimal impact on system performance, it can consume noticeable memory on systems with limited resources or when configured to display a large volume of content.

Q4: How can I disable News and Interests?

A: To disable News and Interests, right-click on the taskbar, navigate to “News and interests,” and select “Turn off.” This will remove the widget from your taskbar and prevent it from using any system resources.

Q5: Will disabling News and Interests free up a lot of memory?

A: Disabling News and Interests can free up the memory it was using, which might be noticeable on systems with limited RAM. However, the exact amount of freed memory will vary depending on how much content was being displayed and updated.

Q6: How can I reduce the memory usage of News and Interests without disabling it?

A: You can reduce memory usage by adjusting the widget’s settings to limit the frequency of content updates and the amount of personalized content displayed. This reduces the amount of data processed and stored in memory.

Q7: Is there a way to monitor how much memory News and Interests uses?

A: Yes, you can use the Task Manager to monitor memory usage. While News and Interests doesn’t have a separate process, its activity is part of the Windows Shell Experience Host or similar processes. Monitoring overall system memory usage before and after disabling the feature can give you an idea of its impact.

Q8: Are there alternatives to News and Interests that use less memory?

A: Yes, there are several third-party news aggregation apps and browser extensions that offer similar functionality. These alternatives might be more memory-efficient, depending on how they’re built and how often they refresh content.

Q9: Can upgrading my RAM help with News and Interests’ memory usage?

A: Upgrading your RAM can improve overall system performance, including how it handles background processes like News and Interests. However, consider this a broader performance solution rather than a specific fix for News and Interests memory usage.

Q10: How can I provide feedback to Microsoft about News and Interests?

A: You can use the Feedback Hub app in Windows to provide feedback directly to Microsoft. Sharing your experiences can help improve News and Interests and other Windows features in future updates.

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