How to Use Apple Maps on Windows

Apple Maps, known for its detailed maps and intuitive navigation features, has predominantly been a service for users within the Apple ecosystem. However, Windows users, particularly those on Windows 11/10, might wonder how they can access Apple Maps on their devices and compare its features to the ubiquitous Google Maps.

This article explores how to use Apple Maps on a Windows 11/10 computer, including accessing it through Chrome, the availability and cost of Apple’s map API, and a comparative look at Apple Maps versus Google Maps.

Apple Maps on Windows

Accessing Apple Maps on Windows 11/10

Unlike its competitor Google Maps, Apple Maps does not have a dedicated web application accessible from any browser. This limitation means that Windows users cannot directly access Apple Maps in the same way they can Google Maps.

However, there are indirect methods to view Apple Maps data on Windows 11/10:

1. Use DuckDuckGo for Apple Maps Data

DuckDuckGo, the privacy-focused search engine, integrates Apple Maps for location-based searches. Here’s how to use it:

  • Open your preferred browser on your Windows 11/10 device.
  • Go to
  • Perform a location search (e.g., “New York City”).
  • Click on the “Maps” tab to view Apple Maps data.

2. Accessing Apple Maps through Third-party Applications

Some third-party applications and services might offer limited access to Apple Maps data. However, the availability and functionality of these services can vary, and they might not provide the full Apple Maps experience.

Using Apple Maps in Chrome on Windows

Since Apple Maps does not offer a direct web service, using it in Chrome on a Windows PC is not straightforward. The most effective workaround is to use DuckDuckGo in Chrome for location searches, as outlined above.

This method provides access to map data powered by Apple Maps but within DuckDuckGo’s interface.

Is the Apple Map API Free?

Apple offers the MapKit JS API, which allows developers to embed Apple Maps into websites. This service is designed for creating custom map experiences on web pages and is available for use under the following conditions:

  • Apple MapKit JS is free for limited use, with up to 250,000 map initializations and 25,000 service calls per day.
  • Beyond these limits, developers need to contact Apple for pricing and licensing options.

Apple Maps vs. Google Maps: Which is Better?

The debate between Apple Maps and Google Maps often comes down to personal preference, availability of features, and coverage. Here’s a comparison based on key aspects:

Coverage and Accuracy

  • Google Maps: Known for its extensive coverage and highly accurate mapping data.
  • Apple Maps: Has significantly improved over the years but may still lag behind Google Maps in some regions.

Features and User Interface

  • Google Maps: Offers a wide range of features, including street view, live traffic updates, and detailed place information.
  • Apple Maps: Features a clean and user-friendly interface, with unique offerings like Look Around and privacy-focused navigation.

Integration and Ecosystem

  • Google Maps: Works seamlessly across all platforms and devices.
  • Apple Maps: Best integrated with Apple devices, offering a more limited experience on non-Apple platforms.


  • Google Maps: Collects data that may be used for personalized ads.
  • Apple Maps: Focuses more on user privacy, with minimal data collection that is not used for advertising.

Privacy and Data Protection: A Closer Look

One of Apple Maps’ standout features is its commitment to user privacy, a critical consideration in today’s digital landscape. For Windows users accustomed to Google’s ecosystem, where data collection is more extensive, the privacy-first approach of Apple Maps accessed via DuckDuckGo might be refreshing.

This method ensures that location searches and navigation details are less likely to be tracked or used for advertising purposes, aligning with users’ growing concerns about digital privacy.

The Future of Apple Maps Accessibility on Windows

While the current access to Apple Maps on Windows is limited to indirect methods, the landscape of digital services is ever-evolving. Apple’s expansion of the MapKit JS API and its commitment to improving Apple Maps suggest potential for broader accessibility in the future.

As cross-platform compatibility becomes increasingly important, there may come a time when Apple Maps or aspects of it become more directly available to Windows users, enhancing the overall utility and appeal of Apple’s navigation solutions.

Navigating the Limitations: A Strategic Approach

For users and developers interested in integrating Apple Maps into their Windows experience or web projects, understanding and navigating the limitations of the MapKit JS API is crucial.

Strategic use of the API within its free tier can provide valuable mapping functionalities without incurring additional costs.

For larger or commercial projects, engaging with Apple to understand the pricing and licensing options is a wise step, ensuring that the integration of Apple Maps aligns with both budgetary constraints and project objectives.

Google Maps vs. Apple Maps: An Ongoing Evolution

The comparison between Google Maps and Apple Maps is not static but an ongoing evolution. As both platforms continue to develop, introducing new features and refining existing ones, the balance of advantages can shift.

For instance, Apple Maps’ improvements in accuracy, coverage, and unique features like indoor maps for airports and shopping centers have made it a more formidable competitor to Google Maps.

For Windows users, keeping an eye on these developments can help in making informed decisions about which mapping service best meets their needs at any given time.


While accessing Apple Maps directly on Windows 11/10 computers is not as straightforward as using Google Maps, indirect methods like using DuckDuckGo provide a viable workaround. The choice between Apple Maps and Google Maps often boils down to individual needs, preferences, and the specific ecosystem you’re invested in.

For Windows users, exploring Apple Maps through available workarounds can offer a glimpse into Apple’s approach to mapping and navigation, albeit without the full functionality available to Apple device users.

FAQ: Using Apple Maps on Windows 11/10

Q1: Can I directly access Apple Maps on my Windows 11/10 computer?

A1: No, Apple Maps does not have a direct web version accessible like Google Maps. However, you can indirectly access Apple Maps data through the DuckDuckGo search engine or consider third-party applications that integrate Apple Maps data.

Q2: How do I use Apple Maps on Google Chrome in Windows?

A2: To access Apple Maps data on Chrome, use DuckDuckGo for your location-based searches. Though this won’t provide the full Apple Maps app experience, it utilizes Apple Maps data for geographic information.

Q3: Is Apple’s Map API free to use?

A3: Yes, the Apple MapKit JS API offers free access up to 250,000 map initializations and 25,000 service calls per day. Beyond these limits, you’ll need to contact Apple for pricing information.

Q4: Between Apple Maps and Google Maps, which is considered better?

A4: The preference largely depends on individual needs and device ecosystem. Google Maps is renowned for its detailed coverage and comprehensive features. Apple Maps, while improving, focuses on user privacy and a smooth interface, especially for Apple device users. Each has its strengths, making them better suited to different users.

Q5: How safe is it to use Apple Maps data through third-party services on Windows?

A5: Using Apple Maps data through reputable third-party services like DuckDuckGo is generally safe. Always ensure you’re accessing these services through their official websites or apps to avoid security risks.

Q6: Can I use Apple Maps for turn-by-turn navigation on Windows?

A6: Since direct access to Apple Maps is not available on Windows, turn-by-turn navigation as you would experience on an iPhone or iPad isn’t feasible. For navigation, you might rely on alternatives like Google Maps.

Q7: Will using Apple Maps through DuckDuckGo on Chrome give me live traffic updates?

A7: DuckDuckGo’s integration with Apple Maps primarily provides location and basic mapping information. For more dynamic features like live traffic updates, you may need to use dedicated navigation services like Google Maps.

Q8: Can developers integrate Apple Maps into Windows applications?

A8: Developers can use the Apple MapKit JS API to integrate Apple Maps into web applications accessible on Windows. This integration allows for custom maps and functionalities within the limits of the API’s terms of use.

Q9: Are there any plans for Apple to release a web version of Apple Maps accessible on Windows?

A9: As of now, Apple has not announced plans to release a web version of Apple Maps compatible with Windows or non-Apple platforms. However, the technology landscape is constantly evolving, so it’s worth staying updated on any future developments.

Q10: How can I ensure I’m using Apple Maps data securely on Windows?

A10: Ensure you access Apple Maps data through secure and reputable channels, like the DuckDuckGo search engine. Always keep your browser and security software up to date to protect against potential online threats.

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