How to Make List Services Powershell

PowerShell, a task-based command-line shell and scripting language, significantly enhances the administration and management of Windows environments. Its powerful features enable IT professionals and users to automate complex tasks and manage system settings efficiently.

One of the critical capabilities of PowerShell is managing Windows services, essential components that enable applications and functions to run in the background.

This article dives into what PowerShell services entail, how to check service status, list all Windows Services using the command line, and how to retrieve Windows services within a PowerShell script.

List Services Powershell

What are PowerShell Services?

PowerShell services refer to the management and manipulation of Windows services through PowerShell commands and scripts.

These services, ranging from system security to network configurations, can be started, stopped, paused, or disabled entirely via PowerShell, offering a powerful toolset for system administrators.

How to Check Service Status with PowerShell

Checking the status of a service in Windows is straightforward with PowerShell. The Get-Service cmdlet is used to retrieve service objects or to get a particular service’s status. Here’s how you can use it:

  • To check the status of a specific service, open PowerShell and type the following command:
    Get-Service -Name "ServiceName"

    Replace "ServiceName" with the name of the service you’re interested in. This command returns the service’s status, displaying whether it’s Running, Stopped, or Paused.

  • To check the status of multiple services at once, you can use a comma-separated list of service names:
    Get-Service -Name "ServiceName1", "ServiceName2"

How to List All Windows Services Using Command Line

PowerShell simplifies the process of listing all services on a Windows system. By executing a single command, you can view every service along with its current status. To list all Windows services, use the following command in PowerShell:


This command fetches and lists all the services installed on the system, providing their status, display name, and short name. For more detailed information or for filtering purposes, you can pipe the output to other cmdlets like Format-List or Where-Object.

How to Get Windows Services in PowerShell Script

Incorporating PowerShell commands into scripts allows for automating service management tasks. Here’s a simple example of a PowerShell script that lists all services that are currently running on your system:

$runningServices = Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq 'Running'}
$runningServices | Format-Table Name, DisplayName, Status

This script uses the Get-Service cmdlet to retrieve all services, filters them with Where-Object to include only those with a status of ‘Running’, and then formats the output as a table displaying the service name, display name, and status.

Advanced PowerShell Service Management

PowerShell also allows for more advanced service management tasks, such as:

  • Starting and Stopping Services: Use the Start-Service and Stop-Service cmdlets to control service states.
    Start-Service -Name "ServiceName"
    Stop-Service -Name "ServiceName"
  • Creating Custom Service Filters: Employ PowerShell’s powerful filtering capabilities to work with services that meet specific criteria, enhancing your scripts’ flexibility and utility.
  • Automating Routine Tasks: Develop scripts to automate routine service management tasks, such as regular maintenance, monitoring, and reporting, saving time and reducing the potential for human error.

Leveraging PowerShell for Enhanced Windows Service Management

PowerShell’s capabilities extend far beyond basic service status checks, offering a comprehensive toolkit for advanced Windows service management.

Delving deeper into PowerShell can unlock new efficiencies in system administration, automate mundane tasks, and provide insights into the health and operation of Windows services. Here’s how you can further leverage PowerShell for enhanced service management:

Scheduled Service Audits with PowerShell

Regular audits of Windows services ensure that only necessary services are running, which can enhance system performance and security. PowerShell scripts can be scheduled to run at regular intervals using the Task Scheduler, providing automated reports on service status, unexpected service downtimes, or unauthorized service modifications. For example:

$Date = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd"
$ReportPath = "C:\ServiceReports\ServiceStatus_$Date.txt"
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Status -ne 'Running' } | Out-File $ReportPath

This script generates a report of all services that are not currently running and saves it to a specified path, appending the current date to the report filename for easy tracking.

Managing Remote Services with PowerShell

For administrators managing multiple machines, PowerShell’s ability to control services on remote systems is invaluable. Using the Get-Service cmdlet along with the -ComputerName parameter allows for querying service statuses on remote computers. Coupled with Invoke-Command, administrators can start, stop, or configure services across multiple machines from a single console.

Invoke-Command -ComputerName RemotePC1, RemotePC2 -ScriptBlock {Get-Service -Name "ServiceName"}

This command retrieves the status of a specified service on multiple remote PCs, showcasing PowerShell’s capability for streamlined multi-system management.

Custom Alerts for Service Failures

PowerShell can be used to create custom alerting mechanisms for service failures or critical service status changes. By combining service status checks with actions like sending emails or logging events, administrators can stay informed about their systems’ health in real-time. For instance, a script could check for a specific service’s status and send an email alert if the service is stopped:

$service = Get-Service -Name "CriticalService"
if ($service.Status -ne 'Running') {
# Send email alert or write to log file

Integrating such scripts into regular monitoring routines can provide proactive management of critical services, minimizing downtime and ensuring prompt issue resolution.

PowerShell: The Backbone of Modern Windows Administration

PowerShell’s deep integration with Windows, combined with its flexibility and power, makes it an essential tool in the modern administrator’s toolkit.

From simple service checks to complex management tasks across multiple systems, PowerShell provides the capabilities needed to maintain control, enhance security, and optimize the performance of Windows environments.

As the complexity of IT environments continues to grow, the ability to automate and streamline service management through PowerShell becomes increasingly valuable. By harnessing the power of PowerShell scripting, administrators can not only solve current challenges but also lay the groundwork for efficient, scalable system management strategies in the future.


PowerShell services management offers a powerful, flexible way to handle Windows services, from basic status checks to comprehensive system administration tasks. By mastering PowerShell commands and scripting, IT professionals and power users can significantly improve their systems’ management efficiency.

Whether you’re managing a single computer or an entire network, PowerShell provides the tools needed to maintain control over Windows services, streamline your workflow, and automate routine tasks for optimal system performance and security.

FAQ: Mastering PowerShell for Windows Service Management

Q1: Is PowerShell difficult to learn for beginners?

A1: PowerShell can seem daunting at first, but with its logical syntax and extensive online resources, beginners can quickly learn the basics. Starting with simple cmdlets and gradually moving to scripts is a practical approach to mastering PowerShell.

Q2: Can PowerShell manage services on Windows Server versions?

A2: Yes, PowerShell can manage services on all supported versions of Windows Server. Its commands and scripts are particularly useful for automating routine tasks in server environments.

Q3: How do I ensure my PowerShell scripts run with administrative privileges?

A3: To run PowerShell scripts with administrative privileges, you can right-click the PowerShell shortcut and select “Run as administrator.” For scripts scheduled in Task Scheduler, ensure the task is configured to run with the highest privileges.

Q4: Are there any security risks associated with using PowerShell for service management?

A4: While PowerShell itself is secure, scripts could potentially be exploited if not properly safeguarded. Practice good script hygiene by reviewing scripts before running, avoiding the execution of scripts from untrusted sources, and limiting script execution policies as needed.

Q5: How can I find the exact name of a service to use with PowerShell commands?

A5: You can use the Get-Service cmdlet without parameters to list all services and their statuses. This list will include both the service’s display name and its service name, which is used in commands.

Q6: Can PowerShell scripts be used to manage services on remote computers without direct access?

A6: Yes, PowerShell supports remote execution through cmdlets like Invoke-Command and can manage services on remote computers. Proper configuration for remote management, including enabling PowerShell remoting and configuring appropriate security settings, is required.

Q7: What are the benefits of running services in windowed mode using PowerShell?

A7: While PowerShell does not directly enable windowed mode for services, it’s typically used for service management tasks. Running applications in windowed mode is generally a setting within the application itself or achieved through third-party tools.

Q8: How can I revert changes made by a PowerShell script?

A8: Reverting changes depends on the actions performed by the script. It’s a good practice to create backup points or document settings before making significant changes. For services, you can manually change settings back or use a script to revert to previous configurations.

Q9: Where can I find reliable PowerShell scripts for service management?

A9: Reliable PowerShell scripts can be found on reputable sites like the PowerShell Gallery, GitHub, or Microsoft’s official documentation. Always review scripts for security and relevance before execution.

Q10: How can I improve my PowerShell scripting skills for advanced service management tasks?

A10: Improving PowerShell skills involves practice, studying existing scripts, and leveraging resources such as online tutorials, forums, and PowerShell user groups. Microsoft’s official documentation and PowerShell community blogs are excellent places to learn new techniques and best practices.

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